Dr. Christopher Montgomery is a global influencer, prophet, supernatural culturalist, and apostolic visionary. As a decorated scholar and founder of a virtual higher education academy, Kingdom Life Academy International, he uses his academic acumen to complement his leadership style and approach to strategies for advancing God's kingdom.
Since his inception into public ministry at the age of 11 in 1998, he has been graced to travel in ministry across the USA and to over 40 different nations. He has published 8 books as well. He serves as the founder and senior apostle of Kingdom Life Empowerment Fellowship International; a reformation of over 60 churches, ministries, and businesses. He has planted 5 churches both nationally and internationally. He is also the senior pastor of Kingdom Life Empowerment Center.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Romans 8:14
Dr. Montgomery’s ministry is earmarked by audacious preaching and resolute, brazen teaching accompanied with unusual and undeniable supernatural activity and demonstration. Extraordinarily gifted in the prophetic, thousands around the world have been efficaciously impacted by his very timely, direct, and specific prophetic words.
Dr. Montgomery actively provides spiritual support and advice to celebrities, professional athletes, politicians, business executives, and 'mega' church leaders alike. He is violently honed by Heaven as an apostolic leader with the Father’s heart; responsible for many churches and spiritual sons and daughters throughout the globe looking to Dr. Montgomery for spiritual alignment and oversight. Apostle Dr. Montgomery's main mission is to manifest the grace of God through the demonstration of the supernatural.